Quilting from the heart, for the soul
Blog post submitted by Maurrie Sussman, Sister # 1 & Co-Founder of Sisters on the fly.
Once upon a time, I too had a dream.
On a quiet day in Montana, I was busy making quilts for two of my neighbors who had cancer. Both were friends and I love my friends with my heart and soul. I took them each one and walked away.
A few months later, Lucille approached me with an idea. Could I pass this quilt on? She went on to explain how much attention the quilt had received while she was undergoing chemo treatments. The life of the “Traveling Quilt” was born. The year was 2007.
Since that time, SOTF has sent out hundreds of quilts to our Sisters, to Sisters’ friends, to Sisters’ grandchildren, to Sisters’ husbands, and to their friends by request. We ask that they be returned in order to pass on the group love and hugs and blessings for the next person in need. Many of our quilts are never returned, therefore I have to make new ones. Not enough yet!
So I asked Sisters on the fly to help out. To help me find used ones from other sources. To help make them and send fabric and parts to me. For 11 years now Sisters on the fly members have been doing this. The life of the “Traveling Quilt on the fly” was created!
In the past 11 years, I have received the most wonderful thank you cards, cards from families who return the quilts because their beloved loved one went over the rainbow bridge to a better place. I have even made quilts for the passing of animals. All in all it has been a most emotional and wonderful adventure.
Each quilt has a personal patch hand-embroidered with a name, then
We will continue this program for as long as we receive requests for comfort offered in the form of a quilt. But unfortunately, I don’t have the financial resources to create new quilts that can be kept by those who receive them. If Sotf members would like to participate in this program and create their own quilts that can be kept by a recipient they identify, we encourage them to do that, too.
Love to all,
I would like to be involved in Making quilts for other sisters. Please let me know how to get connected with this group. I’m located in Sandy Oregon and involved with a quilting group at the Sandy historical museum that meets twice a month. Each year we collectively make a quilt that is raffled off and the proceeds go to the museum. I love to quilt it is my Passion however there comes a time when you don’t have any room to store your quilts or wall space to hang your quilts. It would be a perfect solution to continue to quilt and have a purpose for those to be sent to sisters on the fly.
I would also like to know how to join this group. Thanks.
I would love to be involved with group! Please more info!
I would love to become a part of this group. I have more fabric that a dozen people can use in a lifetime. I would like to make some quilts and donate fabric. I have a large box with pink fabrics in it. I have heard some breast cancer patients say they don’t like the pink. Anyway please let me know how I can help.
I too, want to be involved. Did you get a response? I’m from San Diego and would love to help….let me know if you got a response. Thanks Sister Debe 8554
This is a wonderful way of supporting and encouraging our dear fellow “sisters”. I am an experienced quilter and would love to help in this effort. Please let me know what you currently need. Thanks, Linda #7117
I am a long-arm quilter. Tell me how I can help. I am located in Hershey, PA. Also if you need fridget quilts for dementia friends or relatives, drop me a line.
I am an experienced quilter and would love to participate in making quilts. I enjoy piecing tops more than quilting, so maybe we can work something out with those who do the machine quilting. Would love to contribute to this group! Kathleen sister#490 in Texas.
I am sister #12082 and a long-arm quilter. Would like to know how to if there is an associated facebook group to join and Any other form of communication or information about joining/meeting other quilters. thanks in advance. Becky
Maybe we could all do a block a month and donate them???? I love to quilt and would like to become a part of the group as well. I have tons of fabric I could donate as well.
I am sister #14347 and love sewing and quilting. Please send me more info on how I can become part of this group and I also have tons of fabric to donate.