Service through Friendship: The Sisters on the Fly Response to Hurricane Harvey
Sisters on the Fly is perhaps best known for its love of travel, fun, and caring restoration of display of vintage trailers. But what is not as obvious to those who enjoy following these adventurers is the fierce and unwavering dedication they show to one another. Sisters on the Fly is above all else, a network of women who support each other through thick and thin. That’s why, in the wake of the damage and devastation of Hurricane Harvey, the entire organization rallied to support those impacted.
The Sisters stay close to one another and have many hubs of contact to stay connected. So, when news of the extent of the devastation of Hurricane Harvey hit the community, the group was quick to act. Within days, the organization had formed a Facebook Group to put all those who were impacted by the Hurrican and all those who are eager to support those impacted in communication with each other. Sister on the Fly staff member and daughter to the founder, Tara Lowder, provided the group with a list of all the Sisters that were in the area of impact and the list included upwards of 100 names.
The group reached out to each Sister to check in on her needs and paired her with a Sister who was able to help out. Sisters who could offer rooms opened their homes (or their trailers! or trailer parking places!) to those in need. Other Sisters sent care packages and some made donations to groups recommended by those close to the scene. And, in that very Sisterly way, phone calls were made between Sisters to offer love, care and a listening ear to those dealing with the shock of the event.
As the group of helpers grew, another plan was forming. Dates and logistics were put into place for a cleanup day! Sisters used the networking and event sharing tools available to members to create the first ever, “Sister Corps Work Event,” and within an hour of the event taking sign -ups, 22 Sisters had already joined.
The event posting, shared through the efforts of Wrangler Leeann Moore reads,
“NOW, we are being called to service on a large scale due to the catastrophic events of hurricanes and fire. So, we are responding! The term “corps” means a group of people engaged in a particular activity. We coined the term “Sister Corps” to recognize that within Sisters on the Fly, we have a devoted group of people engaged in the particular activity of going into an area and assisting in cleanup and rebuilding.”
This event and all the efforts to date, are an example the power of what’s possible when women come together in a united front with dedication to not just enjoying their time together but of taking care of those in need.
Want to help? If you’re a Sister, consider joining the November 9th Sister Corps Event, or join the Sisters on the Fly Hurrican Harvey Relief Group.
If you’re not yet a Sister, considering joining to attend this and other future Sister Corps event!
This is such an awesome concept and I have joined. I have been a Sister for 7 years now and have made memories and had some life time adventures with some amazing ladies. We are a organization of more that 9,000 Sisters and I say we go a step further. I say lets start a Fund It page (or how ever we fundraise) for Harvey and Irma. If every Sister donated just $10 that would be a potential of $90,000 plus. By Sisters raising the money every single penny could go to the cause. We are a very large organization of caring, compassionate, adventurous, ladies so lets do this! If we can raffle for a Vintage Trailer we can surely donate $10. Would love to hear feed back on this idea.
Connie Griffiths Sister 2353
Looking forward to putting my hands to good use and meeting up with other Sisters for the BIG CLEAN!
I probably will not be able trouble to the disaster area but how else may I help? Supplies or ?? Suggestions if possible as I am new a this.
So excited to be signed up for this event. I will be in the kitchen singing and cooking for these gals…….First time.
If there are any sisters who still need long term help like cleanup or whatever I am free for the month of January . Would like to be anywhere in South Texas to do hurricane cleanup. As a former Florida resident I am well-versed in debris cleanup, chainsaw use, painting, rebuilding, & whatever is needed. Can run anything from a weed eater to a paint brush. Am retired now but was a Farrier for 38 yrs., so I don’t mind hard work. If you still need help let me know.Have my on 26 ft. trailer and am a Fulltime RV er.
Well I found it!