Hey y'all… This Sisters on the Fly “Quilts on the Fly” patch is for:
– all those who have contributed in any way to Sister #1's grass root effort of sending homemade quilts to those in need of comfort and support from SOTF. Did you donate fabric, materials, a found piece or square, money for supplies, sewing time, quilting time?
– A recipient of one of these quilts or someone who contacted Maurrie to send one to a friend in need.
– A Sister who quilts, alone or in a group or with other Sisters… SOTF does have a large contingent that quilts!
It's 3.5″ x 3.5″ and has an iron-on backing.
And it's square of course like all good quilt squares should be!!!
129 in stock
SKU: 0622
Category: Merit Badges