SOTF Membership Form

If you’re renewing, be sure you’re logged in before you continue. And… PLEASE make sure your member profile is filled in and up-to-date while you’re at it! (Members Area>MyProfile>Profile>Edit> open “Sister Info” and “Contact Info” to fill in all fields.) Keep your membership current, stay a Sister on the Fly and make sure you continue to share your adventures with us wherever and whatever they may be!
IF YOU’RE JUST JOINING — As soon as you fill in the form and pay the annual membership fee below, you’ll be registered! After that you’ll get an email with your official user name (which will be Yourfirstname_Yourlastname, not your email…) so that you can log in with your password to our Members Only Sisters’ private portal. That’s where you will find other area members & wrangler(s), post to the message boards, register and show off a trailer (or tent, camping rig, cot!), create and attend events, reach out to Sisters and find Sisters with similar hobbies and interests.
Once you’ve logged in you will find your official Sister Number (yours for life) in your profile by clicking on MEMBERS’ AREA tab and clicking on MY PROFILE in MY SISTER INFO column. Also, you will soon get a one-on-one welcome from your area’s Wrangler. A welcome package with your official SOTF certificate, membership certificate, annual SOTF patch and other SOTF goodies will be in the mail for you in the near future- be patient!
We’re saving you a seat, Sister. See you on the trail!
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