Learn About Upcoming SOTF Events BEFORE Joining
Finding Where the Fun Is
This is a big mystery for women who are looking into joining. How can they learn about events in their area or in general BEFORE joining?
Since Sisters on the fly events are privately published for members and advertised solely to members (unlike Meetup where events are public and the locations are disclosed) it is hard to “see” our upcoming events.
Three ways to Get a sense of it all
Because of this we have created a very generic Activities/Events calendar for public viewing. It is very generic and not completely up to date since new events are being created weekly and old ones are not removed. View this “Teaser” calendar under our SOTF website‘s ACTIVITIES tab or click HERE.
This list was created so gals can read a short synopsis of some of the types of events held. See that list on our Member-Hosted Events page HERE.
OK! Here are examples of events happening now or soon with the key info stripped away for privacy purposes-
only our current active members get to see the details if the who, what ,when, where and why of all our events!
07/17/2018 – 07/20/2018 | Dry Camping Dry Run II – Steamboat Lake CO |
07/19/2018 – 07/21/2018 | Anacortes Shipwreck Fest- This event if fully Booked Anacortes WA |
07/19/2018 – 07/22/2018 | Q-R-S-T in PA Quilts, Roundtop, Show n Tell Lewisberry PA |
07/19/2018 – 07/22/2018 | 11th Annual Christmas in July Forest Lakes AZ |
07/19/2018 – 07/22/2018 | SISTERS IN THE KEYS J Key Largo FL |
07/19/2018 | Hunt County/East Texas Sisters Meet and Greet Greenville Texas |
07/20/2018 – 07/22/2018 | A Wonderful Wine-ing Weekend in the Heart of Texas Hill Country- Full, Fredericksburg TX |
07/20/2018 – 07/22/2018 | Rolling on the River (Whitewater Rafting) Mister/Sister Event Delano TN |
07/20/2018 | ZOO – TRAILER TOUR – TOPIA Seattle WA |
07/21/2018 | Snyder TX Meet and Greet Snyder TX |
07/24/2018 – 07/27/2018 | Camping in the Good Ol’ Summertime Osage Beach MO |
07/25/2018 – 07/29/2018 | G3 – Girls Galavanting Glacier – EVENT IS FULL West Glacier MT |
07/26/2018 – 07/29/2018 | Boots & Blooms: Gardening Weekend on Whidbey Island Langley WA |
07/26/2018 – 07/29/2018 | Sisters Afloat 3 Bristol TN |
07/27/2018 – 07/29/2018 | Gutter Girl Glamping Spokane WA |
07/27/2018 – 07/29/2018 | Up A Creek via Boat, Bridle or Boot! Newton KS |
07/27/2018 – 07/29/2018 | Sisters on The Fly at Grindstone Farm Webster NH |
07/28/2018 – 08/04/2018 | Wind River Mountains, Wy. Mountain Trip of a Lifetime 2018! PINEDALE WY |
07/29/2018 | Southern Oregon Backyard Summer BBQ and Potluck Lisa’s House, Medford OR |
08/02/2018 – 08/05/2018 | 127 LONGEST YARD SALE 2018 PIKEVILLE, TN Pikeville Tennessee |
08/02/2018 – 08/05/2018 | Back In The Saddle Again! Clarion PA |
08/02/2018 – 08/05/2018 | Sisters Do Duluth Duluth MN |
08/03/2018 – 08/05/2018 | Barnstormer’s Vintage Fair Central Point OR |
08/04/2018 | Mama Mia!!! Live On Stage Overland Park KS |
08/07/2018 – 08/08/2018 | San Angelo Tx and Surrounding Areas ? MeetnGreet Rhonda’s house, San Angelo Texas |
08/10/2018 – 08/12/2018 | Campout at Crouch – Starlight Mountain Theater – No Fee Event – Crouch, Idaho Garden Valley Idaho |
08/11/2018 | San Antonio and surrounding area Second Saturday San Antonio Texas |
08/11/2018 | Hot August Meet and Greet Lunch Mesa AZ |
08/12/2018 – 08/15/2018 | Lake Easton State Park Casual Campout Easton WA |
08/14/2018 | WAHO August Dinner Taco Tuesday Post Falls Idaho |
What events would you suggest for a newcomer to your group? I’m learning to fly fish and I can travel anywhere — either flying or driving. I don’t have a camper but I do have a tent that I’ve used often. I could rent a cabin as well, where available. I hike, kayak, snorkel, and have horseback ridden occasionally. I’m so excited about joining your group because other than my college age daughter, I have no friends who share my interests!
Hello all you fantastic women out there. I hope to get to meet some of you soon. Finally got it right when joining. It took me several tries. Obviously, I am not a very savvy computer person, in this case iPad person. But I finally made it with some perseverance.
I have been following what I could on Pinterest and got so interested I wanted to get involved. It took me a few minutes this of procrastinating and worrying if I was up for traveling around on my own in a camper. This story has a long version and a short version. I am going to tell you the short version. I bought my Jayco, 20’ 3015 camper on Tuesday and my youngest son drove it to me on Wednesday. It is now sitting ext to my driveway waiting for me to do something. Other than giving her a name Ms Blue J, which came to me looking at the Jayco logo designs . I was looking at her out my living room window and asking myself, “What have I Done”. Thought the name fit very well with “Sisters on the Fly”. But I am a 71 year old divorced woman that has only been tent camping when my children were young. For the past year after losing my best friend to a move for a job. Two others had passed away in the past few years in addition to losing my hearing I have been basically sitting home with my two little dogs and reading. So finding you all on Pinterest has inspired me to get this far. I need you all to encourage me with your experiences to get me outside practicing how to hitch my camper to my SUV. Getting out of my yard with the camper in toe is my next big challenge. So HELP sisters.
Hi Diana. I am in sorta the same situation. I am 60 and have very bad knees, but I bought a Aliner camper with the help of my son. I have had it out one time with him and his family in their rv. I did fairly well, but still am apprehensive about taking it out on my own. His father and I use to camp but he passed away in 2011. So I’m ready for some new fun adventures, just hope I can handle this camper by myself. Hoping to get back into having some fun and making some new friends.
Hi Diana and Ladies,
The great thing about this group of women is that they are always willing to help you!! SO for example, if any of you decide to take your trailer out for one of the trips but aren’t good or great at backing it up and you need to there is always a sister willing to assist!!! They’ll do it for you, they’ll teach you, they’ll empower you. We are all about women helping other women (and others), and being there for each other. Hitching up the trailer.. no problem, learning how to use a dutch oven over the fire.. no problem.. It’s a no judgement zone. No drama. No nastiness. Just one simple rule, ” “No men, no, kids, be nice & have fun.” Welcome aboard, relax, and have fun!!!! You’ve got this 🙂
Hi. You’re going to be right at home with this group. I’m #182, I bought a ‘79 scamp & painted her my way (not very feminine) as I’m not a frilly girl & my husband & I took it to his motorcycle club events. He passed away 3 years ago so now I occasionally drag her across Montana to join up with other sisters to unforgettable events. I live near the Idaho border in north west Montana. Welcome & enjoy.
I am interested in joining, but I don’t see many activities for Californi. Is there an active group in California? I looked at the glimpses of what’s going on but nothing in my state, Thanks
Hi Debbie, I am also interested in getting together with groups from CA. I live in the San Diego area and bought a small RV. I woul d like to get to know some women that may travel in CA, but also looking at other groups that travel to National and state parks. Hope to travel soon to CO.
Deborah Wesner
Hi Debbi,
SOTF is active all over the country. Events can be found at the top of the screen after clicking on the events area, then on the left link for region, and then second page for “west.” My understanding is that for specific details you have to be a member and logged in. Also there are a lot of women who will travel great distances to go to events, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t see an event specific to your state right away.
Hello you brave women! I am so enthralled with what I have seen on your site! Would I fit in? I’m 65 and recently widowed. My heart is still broken but I am determined NOT to sit around and stop living. So… I had a company convert a cargo van into a tiny home for me to travel to visit kids and do the things my husband couldn’t do because of illness; travel, camp,fish,canoe and just meet some nice women . I know that I would not like to travel alone. Any ladies living in Wisconsin would be great news to me.
Best regards, Deb
Hello my beautiful renegade sisters!
I’m brand new to the sisterhood and so excited to find out what this community is all about. I have had a bit of a struggle getting my profile set up and its still a work in progress. I also haven’t contacted my area Wrangler yet because I’m still trying to figure out how to do so without really having an area of my own, per say. Based on the form I filled out, my Wrangler is Maureen Carnevale, of Florida. However, I am currently living in my RV in Squamish BC Canada where i have been hiking, biking, kayaking and having too much fun for the past 10 days. This is where I call home today. See, I no longer have a home. 2 years and 3 months ago, i sold my home, car and all my worldly possessions and bought an RV. Roxy and I have been road warriors ever since!! We have been coast to coast and zigzagged most states in between. This time, we went international! So what I really need is a way to connect with women wherever I am and wherever Ill be going. As I said, I haven’t made time to search the entire site or to speak with my Wrangler in Florida about how to go about doing that, but I do want you all to know that I so look forward to connecting and being a part of this gypsy family. Please feel free to contact me here or on my FB page anytime to let me know what’s going on in your neck of the woods as I post where I am when. I’m assuming this is a USA based group only so finding any of you in Canada will be a no go. But I’ll be heading back down again, probably thru Idaho when the weather starts to turn. Now, how do I get my Name and contact info out to everyone? Is this page open to the public? If so, then not here. Hmmmm…..
Can you please tell me how I find out what events are in California? I was unable to participate in the last few years and forgot how I locate what’s going on here . Thanks Debbie Rockie #224
Debbie Rockie, I sent you a Private Message…
I just joined but am concerned that there’s no 2019 communications here.