Always There for One Another
Sharon, Sister #508, has a story: When Hurricane Katrina was bearing down on New Orleans and the area was told to evacuate, Karen Sister #459 and her mother Leona (also a Sister) and her two daughters and their families were forced to leave their homes.
“I have a large old family home, now used for just vacations, in Mississippi, about two and a half hours from New Orleans, and we offered it to them,” says Sharon.
While in Mississippi, Karen met Sharon’s eight-five-year-old Aunt Joyce. Months later, after Aunt Joyce suffered a store, Karen and Leona traveled back up to Missisiippi to “sit with” Aunt Joyce, because “that’s what Sisters do.”
The sisters always gather around, (sometimes traveling great distances) to ease a fellow Sisters’ sorrow in the ways they know best – making a quilt, bringing a casserole, hugging, listening and understand.