The Golden Season
This is prime-time for camping and many of our Sisters are out there making the most of the season. Check out these photos by Gale Sheppard  from a recent Sister trip.
We have more fun than anyone
We have more fun than anyone
This is prime-time for camping and many of our Sisters are out there making the most of the season. Check out these photos by Gale Sheppard  from a recent Sister trip.
Positive aging leader Ginny McKinny speaks from the heart on what it’s like to rise up from the ashes.
We’re told life is supposed to peak in our spring years, so why are so many women discovering what’s possible come fall?
I want to float on the Kern River with the Sisters on the Fly and go to Burning Man and the Albuquerque Balloon Festival and the Grand Canyon. This is aging gracefully.
I instinctively knew I needed to put something joyful in front of me in order to survive the death of my husband.
The lovely flowers we all were once are slowly going to seed. But we are perennials. We will keep growing.
“increasingly, to me, age means getting back some of that carefree spirit I had as a child. It means freedom, confidence and independence.”
Ginny McKinney, of “Marshmallow Ranch,” contributes to the Sisters on the Fly signature series “On Age & Attitude.”